Marvel Spider-man by Insomniac Games was just released this past week for the PS4 and of course your man Blood had to go and get the Collector’s Edition to review. This Collector’s currently retails for $149.99 and includes a steelbook case with game, a mini artbook, a sticker, and a Spider-Man statue. The box is pretty compact (9.75 in x 7.75 in x 7.25 in) and features spider-man on its cover and the usual content details in the back. Inside the sleeve is another box with a zoomed in spidey snapshot which I really wished was on the sleeve instead just for displaying purposes.
The steelbook is ordained with the spider logo and inside you will find a free marvel comic code, a spider-man logo sticker, and a DLC download for 3 additional post launch chapters. Past the steelbook you are greeted with a *Warning* contains spoilers picture that lays in front of the 63 page hardcover artbook. The art book is broken up into three parts (City of Hope, City of Fear, City of War) and features all the main characters of the game. Its a nice little addition to the collectors but does contain spoilers so you are advised of course to hold off from browsing it till the end.
Lastly, the long awaited statue reveal that was kept under wraps until launch is spidey on top of all his enemies. The statue stands at 7.5 in tall and 6.75 in wide and weights 1lb 5.4 oz. The green metallic paint from Scorpion really stands out and pulls you in to see who all is in this cluster of a mess. However, I do wish the statue was larger and a bit more complex given that Horizon Zero Dawn was $119.99 at launch and included the same items.
Overall, the Spiderman Collector’s edition receives a solid 7.75/10 and is a decent addition to any spidey collection. However, i’d Wait until the price drops a bit to get more bang for your buck. If you are just looking to play the game then you can order the game HERE and as always Happy Gaming My Friends! Let me know what you thought of this Collector’s Below!
SpiderMan Collector’s Edition Review (Statue Spoiler)