Bethesda recently announced the second expansion of Elder Scrolls Online will be launching across all platforms (Ps4, XB1, & PC) on June 5, 2018. Your newest journey will have you exploring the vibrant forests, tropical lagoons, and ancient coral caves of Summerset Isle. Rejoin with old friends, forge new alliances, and enjoy the expanded crafting system whilst you seek the aid of a mysterious group of mages to unlock a new skill line and powerful abilities. The Collector’s Edition will retail for $89.99 and includes
* Game Disc
* Mephala Statue (12″ tall)
* Razum-dar’s Journal
* Map of Summerset
* Exclusive Steelbook Case
* DLC (Mount: Bloodshadow Wraith Steed, Pet: Fledgling Gryphon, Pack: House of Reveries, Outfit Style: Divine Prosecution, Memento: Psijic Scrying Talisman)
* Queen’s Bounty Pack (Court of Bedlam Costume, Pocket Salamander Pet, Treasure Maps, Psijic Vault Crown Crate, Experience Scrolls)
* Nightmare Senche Mount
* Base game of ESO
If you have already bought the previous collectors editions of the game the new Mephala statue will go well with the Molag Bal and Morrowind’s Dwarven Colossus Statue’s. Let me know what you think below about this collector’s and as always Happy Gaming my Friends!